انتشارات Dept. Of The Army

History of Operations Research in the United States Army, Volume 2 (1961-1973)
Charles R. Shrader, 2008
Looking West: Russian Perspectives of the Baltics Through the Lens of the Great Patriotic War
Jonathan M. Chakeres, 2017
U.S. Army Special Operations in World War II
David W. Hogan, Jr., 1992
Prisoner of war resistance
United States Army, 1981
Technical Notes: Small Arms Weapons Design
John G. Rocha
FM 3-13.4 Army Support to Military Deception
Department of the Army, 2019
Design of Pile Foundations
Department of the Army, 1991
Horology Micro Mechanics
US Army, 1976
Engineering design handbook : explosives series properties of explosives of military interest.
United States. Department of the Army., 1971
Engineering Design Handbook - Principles of Explosive Behavior (AMCP 706-180).
United States. Department of the Army., 1972
Subcourse 456 : antiarmor weapon systems
United States. Department of the Army., 1996
Combat in built-up areas handbook Subcourse IN0531.
United States. Department of the Army., 1976
Basic Human Anatomy MD0006
US Army medical department, 2006
Basic Human Physiology MD0007
US Army medical department, 2006
Basic Mathematics MD0900
US Army medical department, 2006
Basic Medical Terminology MD0010
US Army medical department, 2006
Basic Patient Care Procedures MD0556
US Army medical department, 2006
Blood Donor Operations I MD0867
US Army medical department, 2006
Blood Donor Operations II MD0868
US Army medical department, 2006
Blood, Electrolytes, and Intravenous Infusions Subcourse MD 0564
US Army medical department, 2006
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation MD0532
US Army medical department, 2006
Chest & Airway Problems MD0569
US Army medical department, 2005
Dairy MD0715
US Army medical department, 2006
Decontaminating Casualties MD0537
US Army medical department, 2006