انتشارات Dover

Japanese Design Motifs
Matsuya Company, 1972
Manual of Traditional Wood Carving
Paul N. Hasluck, 1977
Max Caspar, 1993
The Sacred Books of China
James Legge, 1962
Spa Apothecary: Natural Products to Make for You and Your Home
Stasie McArthur, 2019
Adventures in Mathematical Reasoning
Sherman Stein, 2016
Attacking Probability and Statistics Problems
David S. Kahn, 2016
Attacking problems in logarithms and exponential functions
Kahn, David S., 2015
Attacking trigonometry problems
Kahn, David S., 2015
Challenging Math Problems.
Stickels, Terry, 2015
Foundations of Mathematical Logic
Haskell B. Curry, 2010
The Ten Books of Architecture: The 1755 Leoni Edition
Leon Battista Alberti, 1986
Gauge Field Theories: Spin One and Spin Two: 100 Years After General Relativity
Gunter Scharf, 2016
Second Piatigorsky Cup : international grandmaster chess tournament held in Santa Monica, California, August 1966
Donner, Johannes Hendrikus; Kashdan, Isaac; Piatigorsky, Gregor, 1977
The Masterwork in Music: Volume I
Heinrich Schenker, 2014
Floral Charted Designs
Jana Hauschild, 1984
The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted and Translated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qualānisī
Abū Ya’lá Ḥamzah ibn Asad ibn al-Qalānisī, Hamilton A. R. Gibb (transl.), 2002
A Year of Stone Painting: 52 Mandala Designs to Inspire Your Spirit
F. Sehnaz Bac, 2019
Masterworks of Art Nouveau: Stained Glass
Arnold Lyongrün, M. J. Gradl, 2018
Theory Of Relativity
Wolfgang Pauli, 1981
George Frideric Handel
Paul Henry Lang, 2012
Letters of Emily Dickinson
Dickinson, Emily, 2012
Blake: Prophet Against Empire
David V. Erdman, 2011
Civil War Poetry and Prose
Walt Whitman, 1995