انتشارات Dover Publications, New York

Elementary theory of numbers
William J. LeVeque, 1990
Elementary Theory of Numbers
William J. LeVeque, 1990
Elements of Number Theory
Ivan Matveevich Vinogradov, 2003
Interpolation and Approximation
Philip J. Davis, 1975
Interpolation and Approximation
Philip J. Davis, 1975
An introduction to the theory of stationary random functions
A. M. Yaglom, 2004
Basic probability theory
Robert B. Ash, 2008
Character theory of finite groups
I. Martin Isaacs, 1994
Continuous Groups of Transformations
Luther Pfahler Eisenhart, 1961
Complex variables and the Laplace transform for engineers
Wilbur R. LePage, 2010
Dirichlet's principle, conformal mapping, and minimal surfaces
Richard Courant, 2005
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Mary Wollstonecraft, 1996
Antonio Stradivari
Hill A & H, 1963
A philosophical essay on probabilities
Marquis de Laplace, 1995
Statistical Analysis of Geological Data
Koch, George S., Jr.; Link, Richard F., 1970; 1971
A history of astronomy from Thales to Kepler
J. L. E. Dreyer, 1953
A History of Mechanics
Rene Dugas, 2011
A survey of physical theory
Max Planck, 2011
An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure
S. Chandrasekhar, 2010
Fundamentals of astrodynamics
RogerR. Bate, Donald D. Mueller, Jerry E. White, 1971
150 Masterpieces of Drawing
Anthony Toney, 1963
507 Mechanical Movements. Mechanisms and Devices
Henry T. Brown, 2012
200 Victorian Fretwork Designs: Borders, Panels, Medallions and Other Patterns
A. Sanguineti, 2007
70 Classic Quilting Patterns. Ready-to-Use Designs and Instructions
Gwen Marston,Joe Cunningham, 2012