انتشارات Duke University Press A

Un/common Cultures: Racism and the Rearticulation of Cultural Difference
Kamala Visweswaran, 2010
Private Bodies, Public Texts: Race, Gender, and a Cultural Bioethics
Karla FC Holloway, 2011
Dark Matters: On the Surveillance of Blackness
Simone Browne, 2015
Eye Contact: Photographing Indigenous Australians
Jane Lydon, 2005
Third World Studies: Theorizing Liberation
Gary Y. Okihiro, 2016
Gramsci’s Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives
Kate Crehan, 2016
From the Tricontinental to the Global South: Race, Radicalism, and Transnational Solidarity
Anne Garland Mahler, 2018
Rendering Life Molecular: Models, Modelers, and Excitable Matter
Natasha Myers, 2015
Unfinished: The Anthropology of Becoming
João Biehl and Peter Locke (eds.), 2017
The Borders of "Europe": Autonomy of Migration, Tactics of Bordering
Nicholas De Genova (ed.), 2017
Four Decades On: Vietnam, the United States, and the Legacies of the Second Indochina War
Scott Laderman, Edwin A. Martini, 2013
Colonial Lives of Property: Law, Land, and Racial Regimes of Ownership
Brenna Bhandar, 2018
Sociology and Empire: The Imperial Entanglements of a Discipline
George Steinmetz (ed.), 2013
The Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village
Frank L. Salomon, 2004
The passion of Ingmar Bergman
Frank Gado, 2007
Disturbing Attachments: Genet, Modern Pederasty, and Queer History
Kadji Amin, 2017
Neoliberalism from Below: Popular Pragmatics and Baroque Economies
Verónica Gago, Liz Mason-Deese, 2017
Pharmocracy: Value, Politics, and Knowledge in Global Biomedicine
Kaushik Sunder Rajan, 2017
Unthinking Mastery: Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements
Julietta Singh, 2018
Pink Globalization: Hello Kitty’s Trek across the Pacific
Christine R. Yano, 2013