انتشارات E.j.w. Gibb Memorial Trust

Hudūd al-'Ālam: 'The Regions of the World': A Persian Geography, 372 A.H.–982 A.D.
V. F. Minorsky, 1982
Medieval Islamic swords and swordmaking
Robert G. Hoyland, Brian Gilmour, 2012
Turkestan: Down to the Mongol invasion
Barthold, Wasilij, 1968
Takhyīl : the imaginary in classical Arabic poetics
Marlé Hammond; Geert Jan van Gelder, 2008
Three Shadow Plays = Ṭayf al-Khayāl
Muḥammad Ibn Dānīyāl; Derek Hopwood; Paul Kahle; كاله، بول،, 1992
Ethics and Poetry in Sixth-Century Arabia
Nadia Jamil, 2017
Hudud al-'Alam 'The Regions of the World' - A Persian Geography 372 A.H. (982 AD) (Gibb Memorial Trust Persian Studies)
V. V. Minorsky; C. E. Bosworth, 2015
Cinema and I
Ghatak, R. and Ritwick Memorial Trust (India), 1987
Shaken Baby Syndrome: An Abusive Diagnosis
Archie Kalokerinos, 2008
The Right to Perform
Safdar Hashmi, 1989
On the Cultural ‘Front’
Ritwik Kumar Ghatak, 2006
Hyderabad, 400 Glorious Years
K. Chandraiah, 1998