انتشارات Eden Press, Inc.

100 Ways to disappear and live free
Barry Reid, 1978
100 Ways to disappear and live free
Reid, Barry, 1978
The Paper Trip III: The Master Guide to a New Identity
Barry Reid, 1998
Daniel Defoe and the Status of Women
Shirlene Mason, 1978
Eden Press Privacy Catalog - 2020-2021 Edition
Eden Press, 2020
A Computational Logic
Robert S. Boyer, J Strother Moore and Thomas A. Standish (Auth.), 1979
Nonlinear Differential Equations. Invariance, Stability, and Bifurcation
Piero De Mottoni, Luigi Salvadori, 1981
Prehistoric Hunters-Gatherers. The Emergence of Cultural Complexity
Theron Douglas Price and James Allison Brown (Auth.), 1985
A New Approach to Scientific Computation
Ulrich W. Kulisch, Willard L. Miranker, 1983
Algebra and Trigonometry
Harley Flanders and Justin J. Price (Auth.), 1975
Study Guide for College Algebra and Trigonometry
James W. Snow, Bernard Kolman and Arnold Shapiro (Auth.), 1981
Computability, Complexity, and Languages. Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer Science
Martin D. Davis, Elaine J. Weyuker and Werner Rheinboldt (Auth.), 1983
Test Bank for Introductory Economics and Introductory Macroeconomics and Introductory Microeconomics
John G. Marcis and Michael Veseth (Auth.), 1981
Test Bank to Accompany Computers and Data Processing
Harvey M. Deitel and Barbara Deitel (Auth.), 1985
Welfare Effects of Trade Restrictions. A Case Study of the U.S. Footwear Industry
Michael Szenberg, John W. Lombardi, Eric Y. Lee and Karl Shell (Auth.), 1977
Alpacas, Sheep, and Men. The Wool Export Economy and Regional Society in Southern Peru
Benjamin S. Orlove and E. A. Hammel (Auth.), 1977
A Theory of International Trade Under Uncertainty
Elhanan Helpman, Assaf Razin, 1978