انتشارات Editions Demi Lune

Simulacres Et Simulation
Jean Baudrillard, 1981
Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity
Ray Bradbury, 1994
Clean House: Exposing Our Government’s Secrets and Lies
Tom Fitton, 2016
Control: Exposing the Truth About Guns
Glenn Beck, 2013
Control: Exposing the Truth About Guns
Glenn Beck, 2013
Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight
Karl Rove, 2010
Cowards: What Politicians, Radicals, and the Media Refuse to Say
Glenn Beck, 2012
Cowards: What Politicians, Radicals, and the Media Refuse to Say
Glenn Beck, 2012
Le Grand A : Il mange 195 jours de notre vie
Jean-Luc Loyer, 2016
Traité de l'orchestration Vol. 1
Charles Kœchlin, 1954
Traité de l'orchestration Vol. III
Charles Kœchlin, 1954
Traité de l'orchestration Vol. IV
Charles Kœchlin, 1954
Traité de l'orchestration Vol.II
Charles Kœchlin, 1954
Scholastic Metaphysics A Contemporary Introduction
Edward Feser, 2014
Politique française Articles 1944-1977
Raymond Aron, 2016
The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood, 2010
Le leadership
Harvard Business Review, 1999
Georges Bataille après tout
Denis Hollier (org.), 1995
Espèce d’espace
Georges Perec, 1985
The Best Laid Plans: A Novel
Terry Fallis, 2010
Vivre libres ou la splendeur de l'économie
Raoul Audouin, 1993