انتشارات Editions Du C.n.r.s.

A writer's topography : space and place in the life and works of Albert Camus
Camus, Albert, 2015
Drilling Data Handbook
Gilles Gabolde, 1999
Drilling Data Handbook (Institut Francais Du Petrole Publications)
Gilles Gabolde, 1999
Interactive Drilling for Fast Track Oilfield Development
Lecourtier, 2001
Interactive Drilling for Fast Track Oilfield Development
Lecourtier, 2001
Violaine Misselyn-Gubler, 2004
At the Hive Entrance
H. Storch, 1985
L'economie des conventions, methodes et resultats : Tome 1, Debats
Francois Eymard-Duvernay, 2006
L'economie des conventions, quinze ans apres : Tome 2, Developpements
Francois Eymard-Duvernay, 2006
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production - Reserves, Costs, Contracts
Bret-Rouzaut, 2011
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production - Reserves, Costs, Contracts
Bret-Rouzaut, 2011
Crochet : Les Doudous de Cendrine
Armani-Jacquet, 2002
Neutrosophic Logic, Wave Mechanics, and Other Stories (Selected Works 2005-2008)
F. Smarandache, 2009
Understanding Problems of Social Pathology (At the Interface Probing the Boundaries 33)
Przemyslaw Piotrowski (editor), 2006
Understanding Problems of Social Pathology (At the Interface Probing the Boundaries 33)
Przemyslaw Piotrowski (editor), 2006
365 petits bonheurs philosophiques
Christophe Lamoure, 2003
Le Fantôme de Canterville
Oscar Wilde, 2004
La boulimie : Comprendre et traiter
Flament, 2002
50+ Library Services. Innovation in Action
Diantha Dow Schull, 2013
Huit Questions de Poetique
Roman Jakobson, 1977
Cementing Technology and Procedures
Lecourtier, Jacqueline, 1993