انتشارات Editions Rodopi

Ananda Devi : feminism, narration and polyphony
Tyagi, Ritu; Devi, Ananda, 2013
Kierkegaard's indirect politics : interludes with Lukács, Schmitt, Benjamin and Adorno
Adorno, Theodor W., 2014
Global Fragments. (Dis)Orientation in the New World Order. Asnel Papers 10. (Cross Cultures 90) (Cross Cultures: Readings in the Post Colonial Literatures in English)
BARTELS; Anke and Dirk WIEMANN (Eds.), 2007
A Nation of Victims? Representations of German Wartime Suffering from 1945 to the Present (German Monitor 67)
Helmut SCHMITZ (Editor), 2007
Germanic Loanwords in Proto-Slavic
Saskia Pronk-Tiethoff, 2013.
Conrad’s Heart of Darkness : A Critical and Contextual Discussion
Watts, Cedric, 2012
A Question of Time: Freud in the Light of Heidegger's Temporality
Freud, Sigmund; Heidegger, Martin; Heidegger, Martin; Freud, Sigmund; Pearl, Joel, 2013
''All Sturm and no Drang''. Beckett and Romanticism. Beckett at Reading 2006.
Mark Nixon (Eds.), Dirk Van Hulle, Dirk Van Hulle, Mark Nixon, 2007
Ectogenesis: Artificial Womb Technology and the Future of Human Reproduction (Value Inquiry Book Series 184)
Scott Gelfand; John R. Shook (Eds.), 2006
'Immortal Austria'?: Austrians in Exile in Britain (Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies 8) (German and English Edition)
Charmian Brinson; Richard Dove; Jennifer Taylor (Editors), 2007
Crossing Borders, Dissolving Boundaries
Viljoen, Hein, 2013
Still Beating the Drum: Critical Perspectives on Lewis Nkosi (Cross Cultures 81) (Cross Cultures: Readings in the Post Colonial Literatures in)
Lindy Stiebel (Editor), Liz Gunner (Editor), 2005
Towards a Transcultural Future: Literature and Society in a 'Post'-Colonial World (ASNEL Papers 9.2; Cross Cultures 79)
Geoffrey V. Davis; Peter H. Marsden; Bénédicte Ledent; Marc Delrez, 2005
Marking time : Derrida Blanchot Beckett des Forêts Klossowski Laporte
Maclachlan, Ian; Derrida, Jacques, 2012
Marking time : Derrida Blanchot Beckett des Forêts Klossowski Laporte
Maclachlan, Ian; Derrida, Jacques, 2012
Arithmetic and Ontology: A Non-Realist Philosophy of Arithmetic
Philip Hugley, Charles Sayward, 2006
Arithmetic and Ontology: A Non-realist Philosophy of Arithmetic (Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences & the Humanities)
Philip Hugly, Charles Sayward, 2006
Exiles, emigres and intermediaries : Anglo-Italian cultural transactions
Barbara Schaff, 2010
Affaires de famille : the family in contemporary French culture and theory
Welch, Edward, 2007