انتشارات Editions Rodopi B V

The Social Philosophy Of Agnes Heller.
John Burnheim, 1994
Pagan Words and Christian Meanings (Costerus New Series)
Richard North, 1991
Philologie et théâtre : Traduire, commenter, interpréter le théâtre antique en Europe (XVe - XVIIIe siècle)
V. Ronique Lochert &, 2012
Philosophical Perspectives on the "War on Terrorism".
Gail M. Presbey, 2007
Philosophie, Gesellschaft und Bildung in Zeiten der Globalisierung
Hermann J Scheidgen, 2005
Postcolonial Postmortems (Internationale Forschungen Zur Allgemeinen & Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft S.)
Susanne Muhleisen (Editor) Christine Matzke (Editor), 2006
Pragmatism: An Annotated Bibliography, 1898-1940 (Value Inquiry Book)
John R. Shook, 1998
Towering figures : reading the 9/11 archive
Cvek, 2011
Understanding Evil: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Margaret Sönser Breen, 2003
Diaspora and Memory: Figures of Displacement in Contemporary Literature, Arts and Politics
Marie-Aude Baronian, 2006
Arithmetic and Ontology: A Non-Realist Philosophy of Arithmetic. Edited by Pieranna Garavaso
Sayward, Charles; Hugly, Philip; Garavaso, Pieranna, 2006
Aryans in the Rigveda
KUIPER, F.B.J., 1991
Myths of Europe
Richard Littlejohns, Sara Soncini, 2007
The Secret Agent: Centennial Essays
Allan H. Simmons, J. H. Stape, 2007
Cultural Identity and Postmodern Writing
Theo D’haen, Pieter Vermeulen, 2006
Proust et le theatre
Romana Goedendorp, Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, Sabine van Wesemael, 2006
Of Minstrelsy and Masks: The Legacy of Ezenwa-Ohaeto in Nigerian Writing
Christine Matzke, Aderemi Raji-Oyelade, Geoffrey V. Davis, 2007
Dutch Racism
Philomena Essed (editor); Isabel Hoving (editor), 2014
With Open Eyes: Women and African Cinema
Kenneth W. Harrow, 1997
Genres as Repositories of Cultural Memory: Proceedings of the XVth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association “Literature as Cultural Memory”
Hendrik van Gorp (editor), Ulla Musarra-Schroeder (editor), 2000