انتشارات Edp Science

Beam and Fiber Optics
J.A. Arnaud (Auth.), 1976
Chemotaxis: Types, Clinical Significance, and Mathematical Models
Timothy C. Williams, 2011
Innovators and Tinkerers Role in Business: A General and Technical Analysis
Steven C. Hymes (ed.), 2010
Innovators and Tinkerers Role in Business: A General and Technical Analysis
Steven C. Hymes, 2010
Analysis of Water Resource Systems
Ladislav Votruba (Eds.), 1988
Shakedown of Elastic-Plastic Structures
JAN A. KÖNIG (Eds.), 1987
The Lizzie Borden Trial
Doreen Rappaport, 2013
Biology of Subterranean Fishes
Eleonora Trajano, 2010
Gender, Religion and the Person: The 'Negotiation' of Muslim Identity in Rural Bosnia
Tone Rand Bringa, 1991
Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution - 5e
Kenneth Kardong, 2008
Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution - 6e
Kenneth Kardong, 2011
Microbial Biotechnology in Agriculture and Aquaculture, Volume II
Ramesh C. Ray, 2006
Microbial biotechnology in agriculture and aquaculture. / Vol. 2
Ramesh C Ray, 2006
Microbial Biotechnology in Horticulture, Vol. 3
R C Ray, 2008
Transgenic Animal Technology
Carl A Pinkert, 2003
Transgenic Animal Technology. A Laboratory Handbook
Carl A. Pinkert (Eds.), 1994
Computer Animation
Jaron S. Wright, 2010
Adhesion Molecules (Modern Insights Into Disease from Molecules to Man)
Victor R. Preedy, 2010