انتشارات Edp Science

Topics in the Theory of Computation: Selected International Conference Papers
Marek Karpinski, 1985
Topological Algebras Selected Topics
Anastasios Mallios (Eds.), 1986
Topological Fields
S. Warner, 1989
Towards Verified Systems
Jonathan Bowen (Eds.), 1994
Transform Analysis of Generalized Functions
O.P. Misra, 1986
Transient Waves in Visco-Elastic Media
Transition Metal Oxides
Harold H. Kung, 1989
Transmutation Theory and Applications (Notas De Matematica, 105)
R. Carroll, 1985
Transport in porous catalysts
Roy Jackson, 1977
Transport Phenomena in Heat and Mass Transfer
J.A. Reizes (Eds.), 1992
Tree Crop Physiology
Tree Ecology and Preservation: Developments in Agricultural and Managed-Forest Ecology, 2
A. BERNATZKY (Eds.), 1978
Trends in Mathematical Psychology: Advances in Psychology
E. Degreef, 1984
Turbulent Jets
N. Rajaratnam
The Roots of Perception: Individual Differences in Information Processing within and beyond Awareness
Uwe Hentschel, Gudmund Smith, 1986
The S Matrix
Daniel Iagolnitzer, 1978
The Strategy of Social Choice
Herve Moulin, 1983
The Study of Benthic Communities: A Model and a Review
Robert H. Parker (Eds.), 1975
The Terrestrial Environment, A
P. Fritz (Eds.), 1980