انتشارات Edward Elgar, Edward Elgar Pub

The Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics
Peter G. Klein, Michael E. Sykuta (editors), 2010
European Competition Law: The Impact of the Commission's Guidance on Article 102
Lorenzo Federico Pace, Lorenzo Federico Pace, 2011
The Asian Tsunami: Aid and Reconstruction After a Disaster
Sisira Jayasuriya, Peter McCawley, Bhanupong Nidhiprabha, Budy P. Resosudarmo, Dushmi Weerakoon, 2011
Economic Disasters of the Twentieth Century
Michael J. Oliver, Derek H. Aldcroft, 2007
The Neoliberal Revolution in Eastern Europe: Economic Ideas in the Transition from Communism (New Thinking in Political Economy)
Paul Dragos Aligica, Anthony John Evans, 2009
Competition in the Railway Industry: An International Comparative Analysis (Transport Economics, Management, and Policy)
Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez, Gines De Rus, 2006
Appreciative Inquiry and Knowledge Management: A Social Constructionist Perspective
Tojo Joseph Thatchenkery, Dilpreet Chowdhry, 2007
Growth Miracles and Growth Debacles: Exploring Root Causes
Sambit Bhattacharyya, 2011
Globalized Freight Transport: Intermodality, E-commerce, Logistics, And Sustainability (Transport Economics, Management and Policy.)
Thomas R. Leinbach, Cristina Capineri, 2007
Decision-Making On Mega-Projects: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Planning and Innovation (Transport Economics, Management and Policy)
Hugo Priemus, Bent Flyvbjerg, Bert Van Wee, 2008
Culture And Welfare State: Values and Social Policy in Comparative Perspective
Wim Van Oorschot, 2008
Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship: Studies in Regional Economic Development
Charlie Karlsson, Borje Johansson, Roger R. Stough, Charlie Karlsson, Borje Johansson, Roger R. Stough, 2014
Art Entrepreneurship
Mikael Scherdin, Ivo Zander, Mikael Scherdin, Ivo Zander, 2011
Biographical Dictionary of New Chinese Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders
Wenxian Zhang, Ilan Alon, 2009
Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight
Laura Anna Costanzo, 2009
Technology and Anti-Money Laundering: A Systems Theory and Risk-Based Approach
Dionysios S. Demetis, 2010
Integration for third country nationals in the European Union : the equality challenge
Sonia Morano-Foadi, 2012
International Handbook Of Women And Small Business Entrepreneurship
Sandra L. Fielden, 2005
Global Pharmaceutical Policy: Ensuring Medicines for Tomorrow's World
Frederick M. Abbott, 2009
Handbook of Social Capital: The Troika of Sociology, Political Science and Economics
Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, 2009
A World in Emergence: Cities and Regions in the 21st Century
Allen J. Scott, 2013