انتشارات Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

Global Jihadist Terrorism: Terrorist Groups, Zones of Armed Conflict and National Counter-Terrorism Strategies
Paul Burke (editor), Doaa’ Elnakhala (editor), Seumas Miller (editor), 2021
Transportation and the State: Governing the Public Domain
Hans Keman, Jaap J. Woldendorp, 2020
Capitalism and Democracy: A Fragile Alliance
Theo van de Klundert, 2013
International Trade in Indigenous Cultural Heritage: Legal and Policy Issues
Christoph Beat Graber (editor), Karolina Kuprecht (editor), Jessica C. Lai (editor), 2012
All Fall Down – Debt, Deregulation and Financial Crises
Jane D′arista, 2018
A Brief History of Political Economy: Tales of Marx, Keynes and Hayek
Lars Magnusson, Bo Stråth, 2016
Leadership and the Unmasking of Authenticity: The Philosophy of Self-Knowledge and Deception
Brent Edwin Cusher (editor), Mark A. Menaldo (editor), 2018
Work after Globalization – Building Occupational Citizenship
Guy Standing, 2009
Economic Analysis in EU Competition Policy: Recent Trends at the National and EU Level
Pier L. Parcu (editor), Giorgio Monti (editor), Marco Botta (editor), 2021
EU Market Abuse Regulation: A Commentary on Regulation (EU) No 596/2014
Susanne Kalss (editor), Martin Oppitz (editor), Ulrich Torggler (editor), Martin Winner (editor), 2021
Handbook of Critical Agrarian Studies
A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Kristina Dietz, Bettina Engels, Ben M. Mckay, 2021
Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology
Gianluca Manzo (editor), 2021
Research Handbook on the European Union and International Organizations
Ramses A. Wessel (editor), Jed Odermatt (editor), 2019
Digital Identity, Virtual Borders and Social Media: A Panacea for Migration Governance?
Emre Eren Korkmaz (editor), 2021
Handbook of Translocal Development and Global Mobilities
Annelies Zoomers (editor), Maggi Leung (editor), Kei Otsuki (editor), Guus Van Westen (editor), 2021
Communities, Land and Social Innovation: Land Taking and Land Making in an Urbanising World
Pieter Van den Broeck (editor), Asiya Sadiq (editor), Ide Hiergens (editor), Monica Quintana Molina (editor), Han Verschure (editor), Frank Moulaert (editor), 2020
Kritika: Essays on Intellectual Property: Volume 5
Gustavo Ghidini (editor), Hanns Ullrich (editor), Peter Drahos (editor), 2021
Research Handbook on International Law and Peace
Cecilia M. Bailliet (editor), 2019
Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology
Axel Franzen (editor), Sebastian Mader (editor), 2021
Research Handbook on International Law and Cyberspace
Nicholas Tsagourias (editor), Russell Buchan (editor), 2021
Research Handbook on the Belt and Road Initiative
Joseph Chinyong Liow (editor), Hong Liu (editor), Gong Xue (editor), 2021
Handbook of Theories of Public Administration and Management
Thomas A. Bryer, 2021
A Modern Guide To Labour and the Platform Economy
Jan Drahokoupil (editor), Kurt Vandaele (editor), 2021