انتشارات Edwin Mellen Press

N. Scott Momaday's Native American Ideology in House Made of Dawn (1968): Stylolinguistic Analyses of Defamiliarization in Contemporary American Indian Literature
Gillermo Bartelt, John D. Battenburg, 2010
Brain, Mind, and Human Behavior in Contemporary Cognitive Science: Critical Assessments of the Philosophy of Psychology
Jeff Coulter, Wes Sharrock, 2007
Garth Jeffers Recalls His Father, Robinson Jeffers: Recollections of a Poet's Son
Audry L. Lynch, Kevin McGrath, 2012
Two Commentaries on the Samdhinirmocana-Sutra
Asanga, 1992
Philosophical Reflections on Physical Strength: Does a Strong Mind Need a Strong Body?
Mark A. Holowchak, 2010
The Tabernacle of Exodus as a Work of Art: An Aesthetic of Monotheism
Maurice Schmidt, 2009
Nietzsche's classification of human types as key to his evolutionary theory : a postmodern theory of human freedom and truth
Goldsmith, Marcella Tarozzi, 2011
The Philosophy of Nishitani Keiji 1900-1990 - Lectures on Religion and Modernity
Jonathan Morris Augustine, 2012
A History of Games Played With the Tarot Pack: The Game of Triumphs, Vol. 1
Michael Dummett, 2004
The Existential Dramaturgy of William Shakespeare: Character Created Through Crisis
Asloob Ahmad Ansari, 2010