انتشارات Elsevier, Academic Press

Caldera Volcanism: Analysis, Modelling and Response
Joachim Gottsmann, 2008
Bones, stones, and molecules : "out of Africa" and human origins
David W Cameron, 2004
Deep-Sea Fishes
David J. Randall, 1997
Molecular Endocrinology of Fish
Nancy M. Sherwood, Choy L. Hew, Anthony P. Farrell, 1994
Fundamentals of Plasma Chemistry
Benjamin Bederson, 2000
Advanced Calculus of Several Variables
C. H. Edwards (Auth.), 1973
Advances in Parasitology
S.I. Hay, Ric Price, 2012
Continuum Mechanics of Electromagnetic Solids
Gérard A. Maugin (Eds.), 1988
Light trapping in solar cell and photo-detector devices
Stephen Fonash, 2014
Synthesis of Deep-Sea Drilling Results in the Indian Ocean
Chris C. Von Der Borch (Eds.), 1978
Extrageniculostriate Mechanisms Underlying Visually-Guided Orientation Behavior
Masao Norita, Takehiko Bando, 1996
Paul M. Wassarman (Eds.), 2013
Guide to techniques in mouse development: Mouse molecular genetics
Paul Wassarman, 2010
General Theory of Markov Processes
Michael Sharpe, 1988
Recent Progress in Functional Analysis, Proceedings of the International Functional Analysis Meeting on the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Professor Manuel Valdivia
Klaus D. Bierstedt, José Bonet, Manuel Maestre, 2001
Microbial Pentose Utilization: Current Applications in Biotechnology
Ajay Singh, 1995
Engineering Aspects of Self-Organizing Materials
Rudy J. Koopmans (Eds.), 2009
Advanced Programming Methodologies
Gianna Cioni, 1989
Knowledge Representation. An Approach to Artificial Intelligence
T. J. M. Bench-Capon (Auth.), 1990
Knowledge-Based Systems and Legal Applications
T. J. M. Bench-Capon (Auth.), 1991
Noncooperative Approaches to the Theory of Perfect Competition
Andreu Mas-Colell, 1982
Congnitive Issues in Motor Expertise
Janet L. Starkes, 1993