انتشارات Elsevier :, Mit Press

Textile Processing and Properties: Preparation, Dyeing, Finishing and Performance
Tyrone L. Vigo (Eds.), 1994
Epigenetic Gene Expression and Regulation
Blakey, C. Ann, 2015
Human Factors Psychology
Peter A. Hancock (Eds.), 1987
Digital and Numeric Techniques and their Applications in Control Systems, Part 1 of 2
C.T. LEONDES (Eds.), 1993
Digital and Numeric Techniques and their Applications in Control Systems, Part 1 of 2
C.T. LEONDES (Eds.), 1993
Structure, Mechanism, and Function of the Na/K Pump
Felix Bronner, 1983
Structure, Mechanism, and Function of the Na/K Pump
Felix Bronner, 1983
Phase II Conjugation Enzymes and Transport Systems
Helmut Sies, 2005
Incorporating Molecular Genetic Medicine
Jeffrey C. Hall, 1995
Metabolic Pathways. Energetics, Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, and Carbohydrates
David Morris Greenberg, 1967
Advances in Catalysis, Vol. 28
D.D. Eley, 1979
Cytology and Cell Physiology. International Review of Cytology: Supplement 17
Geoffrey H Bourne, 1987
Division of Labor in Cells
Geoffrey H. Bourne (Auth.), 1970
Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
Isaac Fried, 1979
Photo-Electronic Image Devices, Proceedings of the Eight Symposium
Peter W. Hawkes, 1985
Numerical Solution of Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations
George D. Byrne, 1973
Developing websites with jQuery mobile
Matthew David, 2011
Ocean Tides. Mathematical Models and Numerical Experiments
G. I. Marchuk, 1984
Aural Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities
John M. A. Oyiborhoro, 2005
Aural Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities
John M. A. Oyiborhoro, 2005
Mathematical Games and Pastimes. Popular Lectures in Mathematics
A. P. Domoryad, I. N. Sneddon, 1963