انتشارات Elsevier Academic Press, Crc Press

The Analytics of Risk Model Validation
George A. Christodoulakis, 2008
The Axiom of Choice
T. J. Jech, 1973
Surface Alloys and Alloys Surfaces
D.P. Woodruff (Eds.), 2002
Surface Dynamics
D.P. Woodruff (Eds.), 2003
Surveying and Charting of the Seas
W. Langeraar (Eds.), 1984
Surveys in Applied Mathematics. Essays Dedicated to S.M. Ulam
N. Metropolis, 1976
Surveys in General Topology
George Reed, 1980
Sustaining Large Marine Ecosystems: The Human Dimension
Timothy M. Hennessey, 2005
Symbolic Play. The Development of Social Understanding
Inge Bretherton, 1984
Symmetric Banach Manifolds and Jordan C*-Algebras
Harald Upmeier (Eds.), 1985
Symmetry groups and their applications
Willard Miller, 1972
Stress and Behavior
Anders Pape Møller, Manfred Milinski, 1998
Stress in Subsoil and Methods of Final Settlement Calculation
JAROSLAV FEDA (Eds.), 1978
Structural and Evolutionary Genomics: Natural Selection in Genome Evolution
Giorgio Bernardi (Eds.), 2004
Structural and Mechanistic Enzymology: Bringing Together Experiments and Computing
Christo Christov, 2012
Structural Genomics, Part A
Andrzej Joachimiak (Eds.), 2008
Structure and Bonding in Crystals
Michael O"Keeffe, 1981
Structure and Bonding in Crystals
Michael O"Keeffe, 1981
Structure and chemistry (Part C)
Atta-ur-Rahman (Eds.), 1995
Structure and Chemistry (Part D)
Atta-ur-Rahman (Eds.), 1995
Structure and Chemistry (Part E)
Atta-ur-Rahman (Eds.), 1996
Structure and Chemistry (Part F)
Atta-ur-Rahman (Eds.), 1997