انتشارات Elsevier Academic Press

Quantum Machine Learning : What Quantum Computing Means to Data Mining
Peter Wittek, 2014
Neutron Scattering
Kurt Sköld, 1987
Materials processing : a unified approach to processing of metals, ceramics and polymers
Francis, Lorraine F., 2016
The Cognitive Representation of Speech
Terry Myers, John Laver, 1981
Origins of Human Innovation and Creativity
Scott Elias (Eds.), 2012
Instrumental Methods in Food and Beverage Analysis
David Louis Bente Wetzel, 1998
Novel Macromolecules in Food Systems
G. Doxastakis, 2000
Off-Flavors in Foods and Beverages
Soft Scale Insects their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control
Yair Ben-Dov, 1997
The Design of Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware Systems
Dan Shapiro, Michael Tauber, 1996
The Developing Brain
Williamina A. Himwich, 1964
The Developing Brain
Paul D. Coleman, Gerald A. Higgins, 1990
The Development of Coordination in Infancy
Geert J.P. Savelsbergh (Eds.), 1993
The dissection of vertebrates : a laboratory manual
Gerardo de Iuliis &, 2007
The Earth's Climate: Past and Future
M.I. Budyko (Eds.), 1982
The Earth's Magnetic Field: Its History, Origin and Planetary Perspective
Ronald T. Merrill, 1983
The Ecological Consequences of Global Climate Change
M. Begon, A.H. Fitter, 1992
The Ecology and Biology of
Magnus L. Johnson, 2013
The Ecology of Poole Harbour
J. Humphreys, 2005
The Enzymes
Michael N. Hall, 2010
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry
West R., 2004
Plant Hormones
Gerald Litwack (Eds.), 2005
The Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Hormones: Recent Advances in Phytochemistry: Volume 7
V.C. Runeckles, E. Sondheimer, 1974