انتشارات Elsevier Inc, Academic Press Inc

Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications. Volume 2
Avner Friedman, Z. W. Birnbaum, 1976
The Spectral Analysis of Time Series
L. H. Koopmans, Z. W. Birnbaum, 1974
Topics in Stochastic Processes
Robert B. Ash, Melvin F. Gardner, Z. W. Birnbaum, 1975
Weak Convergence of Measures
Harald Bergström, Z. W. Birnbaum, 1982
Biochemistry of Metabolism. A Comprehensive Treatise
David D. Davies, 1987
Designing Usable Texts
Thomas Duffy, 1985
Fish Immunology
Margaret Manning, 1985
Analytic Geometry
A. C. Burdette (Auth.), 1971
Harley Flanders, 1975
Statistical Methods in Longitudinal Research. Principles and Structuring Change
Alexander von Eye (Auth.), 1990
Stochastic Modelling of Social Processes
Andreas Diekmann, 1984
Economics, private and public choice
James D Gwartney, 1980
Macroeconomics : private and public choice
James D Gwartney, 1980
Macroeconomics : private and public choice
James D Gwartney, 1983
Comparative virology
Karl Maramorosch, 1971
Object-Oriented Information Engineering. Analysis, Design, and Implementation
Stephen L. Montgomery, 1994
Bacteriocins of Lactic Acid Bacteria
Dallas G. Hoover, 1993
Applied finite mathematics
Howard Anton, 1978
Handbook of Analog Circuit Design
Dennis L. Feucht (Auth.), 1990
Metabolic Biochemistry and Molecular Biomechanics
Peter W. Hochachka, 1983
Essentials of elementary school mathematics
Max D Larsen, 1974
Fundamentals of elementary mathematics ; number systems and algebra
Merlyn J Behr, 1971
Introductory college mathematics; with linear algebra and finite mathematics
Harley Flanders, 1973
The biochemistry and physiology of bone
Geoffrey H Bourne, 1956