انتشارات Elsevier Ltd, Butterworth Heinemann

Engineering Materials. Volume 2
W. Bolton (Auth.), 1987
Biotechnological Innovations in Food Processing
B. C. Currell and R. C. E. Dam-Mieras (Auth.), 1991
Cases in Marketing Financial Services
Christine Ennew, 1993
Marine and Offshore Corrosion
Kenneth A Chandler (Auth.), 1985
Critical Aspects of Safety and Loss Prevention
Trevor A. Kletz (Auth.), 1990
Teaching and Learning. A Guide for Therapists
Sally French, Susan Neville, Jo Laing, Sally French, 1994
Cellular Pathology Technique
C. F. A. Culling, R. T. Allison, 1985
Accounting in Business
R. J. Bull (Auth.), 1984
Architectural Reflections. Studies in the Philosophy and Practice of Architecture
Colin St John Wilson (Auth.), 1992
The Software Life Cycle
Darrel Ince, 1990
Mergers and Acquisitions. The Human Factor
Sue Cartwright, 1992
Basic Digital Signal Processing
Gordon B. Lockhart, 1989
ADR and the Courts. A Manual for Judges and Lawyers
Erika S. Fine, 1987
Anaerobic Bacteriology. Clinical and Laboratory Practice
A. Trevor Willis (Auth.), 1977
Architect's Legal Handbook. The Law for Architects
Anthony Speaight, 1990
Archives and the Computer
Michael J. Cook (Auth.), 1980
Archives and the Computer
Michael J. Cook (Auth.), 1986
David M. Macdonald, 1984
Failure Analysis in Engineering Applications
Shin-Ichi Nishida (Auth.), 1992
Use of Mathematical Literature. Information Sources for Research and Development
A. R. Dorling, 1977
Newnes Radio Engineer's Pocket Book
John Davies (Auth.), 1994
Communication Services Via Satellite. A Handbook for Design, Installation and Service Engineers
Geoffrey E. Lewis (Auth.), 1992
UKSC 84. Proceedings of the 1984 UKSC Conference on Computer Simulation
Uksc Conference on Computer Simulation, 1984
Museum Documentation Systems. Developments and Applications
Richard B. Light, 1986