انتشارات Elsevier Ltd, Pergamon Press Inc

Welding for Challenging Environments. Proceedings of the International Conference on Welding for Challenging Environments, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 15–17 October 1985
Welding Institute of Canada (Auth.), 1986
Unwillingly to School. School Phobia or School Refusal: a Psychosocial Problem
Jack H. Kahn, Jean P. Nursten, 1981
Vectors and Matrices
Pamela Liebeck, 1971
Verse Writing in Schools
Eric J. Bolton, 1966
Virgin Lands. Two Years in Kazakhstan, 1954–5
L. I. Brezhnev (Auth.), 1979
Trends in Airborne Equipment for Agriculture and Other Areas. Proceedings of a Seminar Organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Warsaw, 18–22 September 1978
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Auth.), 1980
Tunnelling and Negative Resistance Phenomena in Semiconductors
D. K. Roy, 1977
Toward a New Strategy for Development. A Rothko Chapel Colloquium
Albert O. Hirschman, Dudley Seers, 1979
Towards a System of Lifelong Education. Some Practical Considerations
A.J. Cropley, 1980
Thin Shells. Computing and Theory
J. E. Gibson, 1980
Theory of Phase Transitions. Rigorous Results
Y. G. Sinai, 1982
The Titius-Bode Law of Planetary Distances. Its History and Theory
Michael Martin Nieto, 1972
The United States, Canada and the New International Economic Order
Ervin Laszlo, 1979
The Upper Secondary School. A Comparative Survey
Lewis Spolton, 1967
The Vital Approach. Comment on the Teaching of English to Pupils Between the Ages of 8 and 15
Donald Mattam (Auth.), 1973
The Sorcerer's Apprentice. An Anthropology of Public Policy
Cyril S. Belshaw, 1976
The Subject Bibliography of the Social Sciences and Humanities
Barbara M. Hale, 1970
The Revival of Values Education in Asia & the West
William K. Cummings, 1988
The School Teacher in England and the United States. The Findings of Empirical Research
R. K. Kelsall, Helen M. Kelsall, 1969