انتشارات Elsevier Ltd, Architectural Press

Acoustic Design
Duncan Templeton and David Saunders (Auth.), 1987
Working Drawings Handbook
Keith Styles (Auth.), 1986
Detailing for Acoustics
Peter Lord, 1986
Churches and Chapels. A Design and Development Guide
Martin Purdy, 1991
Inside the Bauhaus
Howard Dearstyne, 1986
Legal Reminders for Architects
Elizabeth Phillips, 1988
Letters to Architects
Frank Lloyd Wright (Auth.), 1984
The Classical Orders of Architecture
Robert Chitham (Auth.), 1985
Report Writing for Architects
David Chappell (Auth.), 1984
The le Corbusier Guide
Deborah Gans (Auth.), 1987
Towards a New Architecture
Edward C. Carterette (Auth.), 1970
William Richard Lethaby. His Life and Work 1857–1931
Godfrey Rubens (Auth.), 1986
Architecture, technology, and process
Chris Abel
Marketing green building services : strategies for success
Jerry Yudelson, 2008
Le Corbusier in detail
Flora Samuel, 2007
Architecture in detail
Graham Bizley, 2008
Architectural Graphics
Frank Ching (Auth.), 1975
Eco-refurbishment : a guide to saving and producing energy in the home
Peter F Smith, 2004
Transport Terminals and Modal Interchanges; Planning and Design
Christopher Blow, 2005
Introduction to architectural science: the basis of sustainable design
SV Szokolay, 2008