انتشارات Elsevier Ltd.

Parenteral Products. The Preparation and Quality Control of Products for Injection
M. J. Groves (Auth.), 1973
Human Biology. A Text Book of Human Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene
C. J. Wallis (Auth.), 1976
Immunology in Clinical Medicine
J. L. Turk (Auth.), 1978
Learning to Hear
Edith Whetnall, D. B. Fry, 1970
Money and Banking. Made Simple
Ken Hoyle (Auth.), 1982
Public Sector Economics. Made Simple
D. I. Trotman-Dickenson (Auth.), 1983
Some Aspects of Hydraulics in Mechanical Handling and Mobile Equipment
R. H. Warring (Auth.), 1970
Servicing Personal Computers
Michael Tooley (Auth.), 1992
Pure Mathematics for Advanced Level
B. D. Bunday, 1983
Programming for Microprocessors
Andrew Colin (Auth.), 1979
The Chaos Cookbook. A Practical Programming Guide
Joe Pritchard (Auth.), 1992
Mechanical Engineer's Data Handbook
J. Carvill (Auth.), 1993
Computer Science. A Concise Introduction
Ian Sinclair (Auth.), 1990
Fundamental Business Economics
C. M. du Toit, A. P. du Plessis, 1990
International Economics
S. P. J. du Plessis (Auth.), 1987
Managing for Results. Economic Tasks and Risk-Taking Decisions
Peter F. Drucker (Auth.), 1964
Managerial Finance in a Canadian Setting. Instructor's Manual
X. Lusztig, 1988
Introduction to 6800/6802 Microprocessor Systems. Hardware, Software and Experimentation
Robert J. Simpson, 1987
Electrical and Electronic Principles. Volume 2
S. A. Knight (Auth.), 1987
Electrical and Electronic Principles. Volume 3
S. A. Knight (Auth.), 1988
Interactive Computing in BASIC. An Introduction to Interactive Computing and a Practical Course in the BASIC Language
Peter C. Sanderson (Auth.), 1973
Europe–Japan. Futures in Science, Technology and Democracy
M.C. Brierty, 1986
Digital Computer Structure and Design
R. Townsend (Auth.), 1982