انتشارات Elsevier Science

Oxide Surfaces
D.P. Woodruff (Eds.), 2001
Ph. Cardin, 2008
Energy Changes in Biochemical Reactions
Irving Klotz (Eds.), 1967
Recrystallization and Related Annealing Phenomena
Mathematicians and their times: History of mathematics and mathematics of history
Laurence Chisholm Young, 1981
Mathematicians and Their Times: History of Mathematics and Mathematics of History
Laurence Chisholm Young, 1981
Practical Balancing of Rotating Machinery
Derek Norfield, 2006
Iron Chelation in Plants and Soil Microorganisms
Larry Barton (Eds.), 1993
Integrins. Molecular and Biological Responses to the Extracellular Matrix
David A. Cheresh, 1994
Molecular Immunology
E. Edward Bittar (Eds.), 1992
Organic Spot Test Analysis the History of Analytical Chemistry
G. SVEHLA (Eds.), 1980
Introduction to Quantitative Palaeoecology
R.A. Reyment, 1971
Hückel Molecular Orbital Theory
Keith Yates (Auth.), 1978
Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability
D. Vassalos, 2000
Simple Dense Fluids
H.L. Frisch (Eds.), 1968
Methods of Nonlinear Analysis - Volume 1 (Mathematics in Science & Engineering)
Richard Bellman, 1970
Laser Photoionization Spectroscopy
Vladilen Letokhov (Auth.), 1987
Systems Biology: Philosophical Foundations
Fred Boogerd (Editor), 2007
Projection Methods for Systems of Equations
Claude Brezinski (Eds.), 1997
Atmospheric Oxidation and Antioxidants. Volume II
Gerald Scott (Auth.), 1993
Atmospheric Oxidation and Antioxidants. Volume III
Gerald Scott (Auth.), 1993
Optical phase conjunction
Robert A Fisher (ed.), 1983