انتشارات Emerald Group

International Business Negotiations
Pervez N. Ghauri, 2003
Negotiation in Groups
Mannix, Elizabeth, 2011
Airport Design and Operation
Antonin Kazda, 2015
Convex Structures and Economic Theory
Hukukane Nikaido (Eds.), 1968
New Localism and regeneration management
Jon Coaffee, 2005
In search of knowledge management : pursuing primary principles
Annie Green, 2010
9th American Marketing Association Relationship Marketing Conference, Part I
Harriette Bettis-Outland, 2012
9th American Marketing Association Relationship Marketing Conference, Part II
Anja Geigenmüller, 2012
Competence Perspectives on Managing Interfirm Interactions
Ron Sanchez (Ed.), 2005
Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Volume 23
Edward D Garten, 2006
Theory and practice of foreign aid
Sajal Lahiri, 2007
Tourism and the Implications of Climate Change: Issues and Actions
Christian Schott, 2010