انتشارات Everyman Publishers

Queen's Indian Defence
Bogdan Lalic, 1997
Queen's Gambit Accepted
Iakov Neishtadt, Ken Neat, 1997
Attacking the King
John N. Walker, 1996
Easy guide to the Classical Sicilian
Jouni Yrjölä, 2000
From the Opening Into the Endgame
Edmar Mednis, 1983
Play the Evans Gambit
Tim Harding, 1997
Taimanov's Selected Games
Mark Taimanov, 1996
Taimanov's Selected Games
Mark Taimanov, 1996
Three Steps to Chess Mastery
A. S. Suetin, 1997
Winning Quickly With Black
Iakov Neishtadt, 1996
Winning Quickly With White
Iakov Neishtadt, 1996
Multiple choice chess II
Buckley, Graeme, 2002
Analyse Your Chess
Crouch, Colin, 2010