انتشارات Farrar, Straus

The Long Recessional: The Imperial Life of Rudyard Kipling
David Gilmour, 2003
Curzon: Imperial Statesman
David Gilmour, 2003
Down Second Avenue
Ezekiel Mphahlele; Es’kia Mphahlele, 1985
Dictionary of the Undoing
John Freeman, 12 Nov 2019
The Big Test - The Secret History of the American Meritocracy
Nicholas Lemann, 1999
One Thousand Things Worth Knowing
Paul Muldoon [Muldoon, Paul], 0101
The End of the Poem
Paul Muldoon [Muldoon, Paul], 2011
In the Light of What We Know
Zia Haider Rahman, 2014
The Topeka School
Ben Lerner, 2019
A Piece of my mind, reflections at sixty, by Edmund Wilson.
Wilson, Edmund, 1956
A prelude landscapes, characters and conversations from the earlier years of my life
Wilson, Edmund, 1967
A window on Russia : for the use of foreign readers
Wilson, Edmund, 1972
Classics and commercials : a literary chronicle of the forties
Wilson, Edmund, 1951
Cold war and the income tax : a protest
Wilson, Edmund, 1963
The devils and Canon Barham; ten essays on poets, novelists and monsters.
Wilson, Edmund, 1973
The Fifties : from notebooks and diaries of the period
Wilson, Edward J. N.; Edel, Leon, 1986
The Twenties : from notebooks and diaries of the period
Wilson, Edmund; Wilson, Edmund, 1975
Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity
Abraham Joshua Heschel, 2011
Godard : a portrait of the artist at seventy
MacCabe, Colin; Godard, Jean Luc; Shafto, Sally, 2004
Unfinished Business: Notes of a Chronic Re-reader
Vivian Gornick, 2020
The Labyrinth of Exile: A Life of Theodor Herzl
Ernst Pawel, 1992