انتشارات Focus

Pars I: Familia Romana
Hans H. Ørberg, 2000
De Anima: On the Soul
Aristotle, 2010
Introduction to Latin
Susan C. Shelmerdine, 2007
A Companion to Familia Romana: Based on Hans Ørberg’s Latine Disco, with Vocabulary and Grammar
Jeanne Neumann, Hans H. Ørberg, 2016
Aeneid 1–6
Vergil; Randall Ganiban et al. (eds.), 2013
The Language of Love: The Secret to Being Instantly Understood
Gary Smalley, John Trent, 2018
Plato : Phaedo
Plato, Eva Brann, Peter Kalkavage, Eric Salem, 1998
The Heart of Addiction: A Biblical Perspective
Shaw, Mark E., 2014
The heart of addiction : a biblical perspective
Shaw, Mark E., 2008
The Birds
Aristophanes; Jeffrey Henderson, 1999
Heracles of Euripides (Focus Classical Library) (Focus Classical Library)
Euripides; Michael R. Halleran, 1988
Aristophanes: The Birds
Jeffrey Henderson, 1999
Plato: Gorgias and Aristotle: Rhetoric
Aristotle; Plato; Joe Sachs, 2008
Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata - Familia Romana: Latine Audio I-XXXi
Hans H. Orberg, 2012
Lingua Latina: Pars I: Transparency Masters
Hans H. Ørberg, 2006
Sophist: The Professor of Wisdom
Plato; Eva Brann; Peter Kalkavage; Eric Salem; Eva T. Brann; Keith Whitaker, 1996
Plato; Keith Whitaker, 1996
Ibrahim KELMENDI, 2007
Systematic Theology - Biblical and Historical
Robert Duncan Culver, 2006