انتشارات Food Not Meds, Inc.

Estuarine Processes. Uses, Stresses, and Adaptation to the Estuary
Martin Wiley, 1976
Evaluation and Action in the Social Environment
C.H. Price, 1980
Finite Permutation Groups
Helmut Wielandt, Henry Booker, D. Allan Bromley, 1964
First Course in Algebra and Number Theory
Edwin Weiss (Auth.), 1971
Group Theory and its Applications. Volume II
Ernest Moshe Loebl, 1971
Group Theory and its Applications. Volume III
Ernest Moshe Loebl, 1975
Multivariable Calculus with Linear Algebra and Series
William F. Trench, 1972
Studies in the Organization of Conversational Interaction
Jim Schenkein, 1978
Language Use and School Performance
Aaron V. Cicourel, Kenneth H. Jennings, 1974
Guitarrero Cave. Early Man in the Andes
T.F. Lynch, 1980
Engineering Fracture Design
H. Liebowitz, 1969
Engineering Fundamentals and Environmental Effects
H. Liebowitz, 1971
Engineering Principles in Physiology. Volume 1
J.H.U. Brown, 1973
Engineering Principles in Physiology. Volume 2
Donald S. Gann J.H.U. Brown, 1973
International Economics and Development. Essays in Honor of Raúl Prebisch
L.E.Di Marco, 1972
Immunobiology of the Macrophage
David S. Nelson, 1976
Imagery. Current Cognitive Approaches
Sydney Joelson Segal, 1971
Alfred J. Crowle (Auth.), 1973
Immunological Tolerance. Mechanisms and Potential Therapeutic Applications
David H. Katz, 1974
International Conference on Differential Equations
H.A. Antosiewicz, 1975
Self-Validating Numerics for Function Space Problems. Computation with Guarantees for Differential and Integral Equations
Edgar W. Kaucher, Willard L. Miranker, 1984