انتشارات Fox Run Publishing

Artistic Wildlife Projects for the Scroll Saw
Marilyn Carmin, 2004
Big Book of Intarsia Woodworking
coll., 2011
Big Book of Scroll Saw Woodworking: More Than 60 Projects and Techniques for Fretwork, Intarsia & Other Scroll Saw Crafts (The Best of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Cra)
Editors of Scroll Saw Woodworking &, 2009
Christmas Ornaments for Woodworking
Rick, 2013
Christmas Ornaments for Woodworking, Revised Edition: 300 Beautiful Designs
Karen Longabaugh, 2013
Circular Saws and Jig Saws. The Missing Shop Manual
John Kelsey, 2010
Drills and Drill Presses. The Missing Shop Manual
John Kelsey, 2010
Glue and Clamps. The Missing Shop Manual
John Kelsey, 2010
Table Saw. The Missing Shop Manual
John Kelsey, 2010
Woodturning Techniques
Michael ODonnell, 2009
Fresh Designs for Woodworking Stylish Scroll Saw Projects to Decorate Your Home
Thomas Haapapuro, 2012
Fresh Designs for Woodworking: Stylish Scroll Saw Projects to Decorate Your Home
Thomas Haapapuro, 2012
Intarsia Workbook: Learning Intarsia Woodworking Through 8 Progressive Step-by-Step Projects
Judy Gale Roberts, 2004
Carving the Human Face: Capturing Character and Expression in Wood
Jeff Phares, 2009
Celebrating Birch: The Lore, Art, and Craft of an Ancient Tree
North House Folk School, 2007
Chainsaw Carving an Eagle - A Complete Step-by-Step Guide
Jamie Doeren, 2005
Chip Carving Workshop: More Than 200 Ready-to-Use Designs
Lora S. Irish, 2013