انتشارات Fsi International

AIX 5L Performance Tools Handbook
IBM Redbooks, 2001
Gun Camera - World War II: Photography from Allied Fighters and Bombers over Occupied Europe
L. Douglas Keeney, 2001
Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Control Algorithms: A Neural Network Approach
Maciej Ławryńczuk (auth.), 2014
Advances onto the Internet of Things: How Ontologies Make the Internet of Things Meaningful
Alessandra De Paola (auth.), 2014
Antibody-Drug Conjugates: The 21st Century Magic Bullets for Cancer
Jeffrey Wang, 2015
Optimization of Pharmaceutical R&D Programs and Portfolios: Design and Investment Strategy
Zoran Antonijevic (eds.), 2015
Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity Testing of Pharmaceuticals
Michael J. Graziano, 2015
Good Laboratory Practices for Forensic Chemistry
Thomas Catalano (auth.), 2014
An Intelligent Customer Complaint Management System with Application to the Transport and Logistics Industry
Alireza Faed (auth.), 2013
Extremophilic Cyanobacteria For Novel Drug Development
Sikha Mandal, 2015
European Regulation of Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals: Regulatee Expectations of Legal Certainty
Nupur Chowdhury (auth.), 2014
Control and Prediction of Solid-State of Pharmaceuticals : Experimental and Computational Approaches
Rajni Miglani Bhardwaj (auth.), 2016
E-Expertise: Modern Collective Intelligence
Dmitry Gubanov, 2014
Computational Characterisation of Gold Nanocluster Structures
Andrew James Logsdail (auth.), 2013
Finite Element Modeling of Nanotube Structures: Linear and Non-linear Models
Mokhtar Awang, 2016
Abulecentrism: Rapid Development of Society Catalyzed at the Local Community Level
Olurinde Lafe (auth.), 2013
Learning Motor Skills: From Algorithms to Robot Experiments
Jens Kober, 2014