انتشارات Ft Press

Architects Without Frontiers: War, Reconstruction and Design Responsibility
Esther Charlesworth, 2006
Aristotle on Comedy: Towards a Reconstruction of Poetics II
Richard Janko, 1984
Art Nouveau Designs
Judy Balchin, 2001
Fads & Fallacies In The Name Of Science
Martin Gardner, 1986
Ideas into words: mastering the craft of science writing
Ms. Elise Hancock, Mr. Robert Kanigel, 2003
Ideas into Words: Mastering the Craft of Science Writing
Ms. Elise Hancock, Mr. Robert Kanigel, 2003
Legacy of Night, the Literary Universe of Elie Wiesel
Ellen S. Fine, 1982
The inventor of love & other writings
Semilian, Julian; Semilian, Laura; Luca, Ghérasim; Codrescu, Andrei; Răileanu, Petre, 2009
StrengthsFinder 2.0
Tom Rath, 2007
StrengthsFinder 2.0
Tom Rath, 2007
Descriptive metadata for television : an end-to-end introduction
Mike Cox; Ellen Mulder; Linda Tadic, 2006
Developing quality metadata: Building innovative tools and workflow solutions
Cliff Wootton, 2007
File interchange handbook for images, audio, and metadata
Brad Gilmer; Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.; European Broadcasting Union, 2004
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey, 1990
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey, 2004
The 7 habits of highly effective people
Stephen R. Covey, 2004
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey, 2004
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey, 2004
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Stephen R. Covey, 2004
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Stephen R. Covey, 2004
The 7 habits of highly effective people: restoring the character ethic
Stephen R. Covey, 2004
Between Worlds: The Life and Thought of Rabbi David Ben Judah Messer Leon
Hava Tirosh-Rothschild, 1991
Two Worlds of Islam: Interaction between Southeast Asia and the Middle East
Fred R. Von der Mehden, 1993