انتشارات Gale Research Inc

The Mechanics Problem Solver
The Staff of REA, 1986
Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars, 359-146 BC
Duncan Haed, 1982
Practical Fibonacci Methods For Forex Trading
Ken Marshall , Rob Moubray, 2005
Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache, gebundene Ausgabe Deutsch-Chinesisch
Langenscheidt KG, 2009
Nil Durpan: A Social Semiotic Approach
Dr. D.Sudha Rani, May 2013
Green chemistry and the ten commandments of sustainability
Stanley E. Manahan, 2006
The Greatest Deception: The Bible UFO Connection
Patrick Cooke, 2005
The Battle of Harrah
Muhammad Ali Chenarani, 2008
Workshop on Elephant Management and Conservation in the Eastern Cape
Graham I H Kerley, 2002
The Development of the Psychedelic Individual
John Curtis Gowan, 1974
Smarandache Fuzzy Algebra
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, 2003
Lejre: Ein mythologischer Führer
Matthias Egeler, 2017
The Fourth Grammatical Treatise
Margaret Clunies Ross, Jonas Wellendorf (eds.), 2014
Grottasǫngr: The Song of Grotti
Clive Tolley (ed., transl.), 2008
Guta lag: The Law of the Gotlanders
Christine Peel (ed., transl.), 2009
Guta saga: The History of the Gotlanders
Christine Peel (ed., transl.), 2010
Hrafnagaldur Óðins (Forspjallsljóð)
Annette Lassen (ed., transl.), 2012
The Book Of Dakmonies
Thorguard Templar, 1994
Magick of Milianthros
Tomemaster, 1994
Magick of Spitzalod
Tomemaster, 1993