انتشارات Garp Enterprises, Ltd

Gambits 1983-06
Yakov B. Estrin, 1983
Grob's Attack
Bill Wall, 1988
Grob's Attack
Bill Wall, 1988
How to Defeat the Smith-Morra Gambit 6...a6
IM Tim Taylor, 1993
Mastering Tactical Ideas
Nikolay Minev, 2000
Opening Repertoire for the Attacking Player
Eduard Gufeld, 1996
Panov Attack III: The Attack with 5...g6
Eric Schiller, 1998
Practical Bishop Endings
Mednis, 1990
Practical Knight Endings
Edmar Mednis, 1993
Practical Rook Endings
Edmar Mednis, 1995
Practical Rook Endings
Edmar Mednis, 1982
The 7-Minute Back Pain Solution
Dr. Gerard Girasole, 2012
The Modern Morra Gambit: A Dynamic Weapon Against the Sicilian
Hannes Langrock, 2007
The Rules of Chess
Bruce Pandolfini, 2010
The Scandinavian Defense
Michael Melts, 2001
A Treasury of Wilton Wedding cakes
Wilton, 1991
The Wedding Party
Robyn Carr, 2001
Questions & Answers on Practical Endgame Play
Edmar Mednis, 1987
Spell Law of Mentalism (Rolemaster Companion)
Coleman S. Charlton, 1999
Haunted Ruins of the Dunlendings (Middle Earth Role Playing MERP #8101)
Ruth Sochard, 1987
Hazards of the Harad Wood (Middle Earth Role Playing MERP)
John Crowdis, 1991
The New Anti-Najdorf 6.Be3!
Gisbert Jacoby, 1986
Gamemaster Law (Rolemaster)
John W. Curtis, 1999