انتشارات Geological Society Of Amer

Sulfur Biogeochemistry - Past and Present (GSA Special Paper 379)
Jan P. Amend, 2004
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Introduction
Richard A. Robison, 1979
Meteorites: flux with time and impact effects
Monica M. Grady, 1998
Strata and Time: Probing the Gaps in Our Understanding
D.G. Smith, 2015
The Triassic timescale
Spencer G. Lucas, 2010
Intraplate strike-slip deformation belts
Fabrizio Storti, 2003
Milestones in Geology (Geological Society Memoir No. 16)
M. J. Le Bas, 1995
Coalbed methane and coal geology
Rodney A. Gayer, 1996
Introducing Victorian Geology
J.N. Rowan, 1995
Island Britain: a Quaternary perspective
R. C. Preece, 1995
Late Quaternary palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic margins
John T. Andrews, 1996