انتشارات George Allen And Unwin Ltd

Thoughts Out of Season, Part 2
Friedrich Nietzsche, 1910
Town and country planning in Britain
JB Cullingworth, 1982
Untouchable: An Indian Life History
James M. Freeman, 1979
Marxism: Philosophy and Economics
Thomas Sowell, 1985
Reason of States: Study in International Political Theory
Michael D. Donelan, 1978
Religion and Society
S. Radhakrishnan (Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan), 1947
Science and the human temperament
Erwin Schrodinger, 1935
The Bhagavadgītā
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, 1970
The Community of States
James Mayall, 1982
The Persian Sufis
Cyprian Rice, 1964
Absentee ownership and business enterprise in recent times; the case of America
Thorstein Veblen, 1924
Eli F. Heckscher, 1935
The Theory of Economic Integration
Balassa, Bela, 1969
The Early English and Celtic Lyric
Patrick L. Henry, 1966
A short history of electoral systems in Western Europe
Andrew McLaren Carstairs, 1980
Evolution: The Modern Synthesis
Julian Huxley, 1942
Chess Master and Grandmaster
Max Euwe, Walter Meiden, 1978
W.G. Grace: His Life and Times
Eric Midwinter, 1981
In Praise Of Idleness and Other Essays
Bertrand Russell, 1935
Along the Roman Roads
Geoffrey M. Boumphrey, 1964
The Life and Times of Po Chu-i
Arthur Waley, 1970
Essays in Economics
Ely Devons, 1961
Science and Ethics
Conrad Hal Waddington, 1944