انتشارات Georgia Tech

Cuba and the United States: Ties of Singular Intimacy
Louis A. Pérez Jr.; Lester Langley, 2011
We Want Land to Live: Making Political Space for Food Sovereignty
Amy Trauger, 2017
We Want Land to Live: Making Political Space for Food Sovereignty
Amy Trauger, 2017
High Yella: A Modern Family Memoir
Steve Majors, 2021
Diplomacy in Black and White: John Adams, Toussaint Louverture, and Their Atlantic World Alliance
Ronald Angelo Johnson, 2014
African American Life in the Georgia Lowcountry: The Atlantic World and the Gullah Geechee
Philip D. Morgan, 2010
Almost Free: A Story about Family and Race in Antebellum Virginia
Eva Sheppard Wolf, 2012
Selling Hate: Marketing the Ku Klux Klan
Dale W. Laackman (author), 2020
The American Dreams of John B. Prentis, Slave Trader
Kari J. Winter, 2011
The Politics of the Encounter: Urban Theory and Protest Under Planetary Urbanization
Andy Merrifield, 2013
The Leader and the Crowd: Democracy in American Public Discourse, 1880-1941
Daria Frezza, Martha King (transl.), 2007
Bolivia and the United States: a limited partnership
Kenneth D. Lehman., 1999
Argentina and the United States: an alliance contained
David M.K. Sheinin, 2006
To Live and Dine in Dixie: The Evolution of Urban Food Culture in the Jim Crow South
Angela Jill Cooley, 2015
Overshot: The Political Aesthetics of Woven Textiles from the Antebellum South and Beyond
Susan Falls; Jessica R. Smith, 2020
Riding the Demon: On the Road in West Africa
Peter Chilson, 1999
Vénus Noire: Black Women and Colonial Fantasies in Nineteenth-Century France
Robin Mitchell, 2020
The Untold War at Sea: America's Revolutionary Privateers
Kylie A. Hulbert, 2022