انتشارات Gill Macmillan

Strategic Management and Public Service Performance
Rhys Andrews, George Boyne, Jennifer Law, Richard Walker, 2012
Strategic Management and Public Service Performance
Rhys Andrews, George Boyne, Jennifer Law, Richard Walker, 2011
Strategic Management and Public Service Performance
Rhys Andrews, George A. Boyne, Jennifer Law, Richard M. Walker (auth.), 2012
Analysis of Surge
John Pickford M.Sc.(Eng.), C.Eng., M.I.C.E. (auth.), 1969
Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics
Jonas M. K. Dake B.Sc (Eng.) (London); M.Sc.Tech. (Man.); Sc.D. (M.I.T.) (auth.), 1983
Flow in Channels
Robert H. J. Sellin B.Sc., Ph.D. (auth.), 1969
Hydraulic Behaviour of Estuaries
D. M. McDowell, B. A. O’Connor (auth.), 1977
Theory of Groundwater Flow
A. Verruijt (auth.), 1970
Theory of Hydraulic Models
M. Selim Yalin M.A.S.C.E., M.I.C.E., M.E.I.C. (auth.), 1971
A Sociology of Industrialisation: an introduction
David Brown, Michael J. Harrison (auth.), 1978
Advanced Biology Notes
David Harrison Ph.D. (auth.), 1971
A Guide to SPSS/PC+
Neil Frude (auth.), 1987
A Guide to SPSS/PC+
Neil Frude (auth.), 1993
31 Days Before Your CCENT Certification (Cisco Networking Academy Program)
Scott Bennett, 2007
(En)Countering Native-speakerism: Global Perspectives
Anne Swan, Pamela Aboshiha, Adrian Holliday (eds.), 2015
The Social Psychology of Nonverbal Communication
Aleksandra Kostić, Derek Chadee, 2014
John Kenneth Galbraith and the Future of Economics
Blandine Laperche, Dimitri Uzunidis (eds.), 2005
Conflict, Democratization, and the Kurds in the Middle East: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria
David Romano, Mehmet Gurses (eds.), 2014
Boards Under Crisis: Board Action under Pressure
Alberto Lavîn Fernández, Carmelo Mazza (auth.), 2014
Expanding and Networking Microcomputers: The complete and upto date guideto over 600 boards for Apple and IBM PCs
Dennis Longley, Michael Shain (auth.), 1985
Ethnic Modernisms: Anzia Yezierska, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Rhys, and the Aesthetics of Dislocation
Delia Caparoso Konzett (auth.), 2002
Global Boards: One Desire, Many Realities
Andrew Kakabadse, Nada Kakabadse, 2009
Global Boards: One Desire, Many Realities
Andrew Kakabadse, Nada Kakabadse, 2009
Global Boards: One Desire, Many Realities
Andrew Kakabadse, Nada Kakabadse (eds.), 2009