انتشارات Golden

Gerald McBoing Boing (Little Golden Book)
Dr. Seuss, 2004
a arte da guerra
sun tzu, 2007
A Hero In Need
A New Hope
A Trap For He-Man
A Trap For He-Man
An Ewok Adventure
Linearna algebra
Krešimir Horvatić, 2004
The Magical Battle of Britain
Dion Fortune, 1993
Catching the Thread: Sufism, Dreamwork, and Jungian Psychology
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Irina Tweedie, 1998
Royal Rescue
The Sleeping Car Adventure
Richard Scarry, 1994
The Sleeping Car Adventure
Richard Scarry, 1994
Building integrated PV for commercial industry
P Eiffert, 2000
Informacijsko doba: Ekonomija, Drustvo i Kultura; Svezak I Uspon umrezenog drustva
Manuel Castells, 2000
Christ In Islam
Ahmed Deedat, 2011
Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction
Ahmed Deedat, 2011
Alice Munro
Pfaus, B., 1984