انتشارات Gorgias Prss

A Grammar of Modern Syriac Language as Spoken in Oroomiah, Persia, and in Koordistan
David Tappan Stoddard, 2004
A Grammar of the Malayalam Language (Gorgias Historical Grammars)
Joseph Peet, 2008
Divine and Human Hate in the Ancient Near East: A Lexical and Contextual Analysis
Andrew J Riley, 2017
The Seven Messages of Revelation and Vassal Treaties: Literary Genre, Structure, and Function
David Elton Graves, 2019
Seventh Annual Report of the Managing Committee, 1907-1908: With the Report of the Director (Analecta Gorgiana)
American School for Oriental Study and Research in Palestine, 2010
The Palestinan Syriac Lectionary of the Gospels (Gorgias Theological Library)
Margaret Gibson;Agnes Lewis, 2008
Contributions Toward a History of Arabico-Gothic Culture (Volume 1)
Leo Wiener, 2002
The Gospel Canon (Analecta Gorgiana)
F. Burkitt, 2009
Palace Revolution and Counterrevolution in Turkey (March-April 1909)
Paul Farkas, 2010
The Mystery of Fu-Lin (Analecta Gorgiana)
Friedrich Hirth, 2010
The Correspondence of Severus and Sergius
Iain Torrance, 2011
Journal Du Si�ge d'Andrinople: 30 Octobre 1912 - 26 Mars 1913
Mme A Gueron, 2019
Familles Latines de l'Empire Ottoman
Livio Missir de Lusignan, 2019
Syriac into Armenian: The Translations and Their Translators
Edward G. Mathews, 2012
Barhebraeus' Book of the Pupils of the Eye
Gregory Bar-Hebraeus, 2009
A Treatise On Syriac Grammar
Elia Of Soba, 2003
Armenische Irenaeusfragmente: Zum Teil Erstmalig Herausgegeben Und Untersucht
Hermann Jordan; Willy Ludtke, 2019
Changing the Center of Gravity
Melissa Terras; Gregory Crane, 2010
The Masora of the Former Prophets of the Leningrad Codex
David Marcus, 2017
Lexical Tools to the Syriac New Testament
George Kiraz, 2002
Covenant and Grace in the Old Testament
Robert D. Miller II, 2012