انتشارات Gulf Publ

Unconventional gas reservoirs : evaluation, appraisal, and development
MRafiqul Islam, 2014
Chemical reaction hazards : a guide to safety
Katherine Barton C ChemFRSC, 1997
Natural Gas Hydrates. A Guide for Engineers
John Carroll (Auth.), 2014
Offshore operation facilities : equipment and procedures
Huacan Fang, 2014
Oil : from prospect to pipeline
Wheeler, Robert R., 1981
Accountability in Human Resource Management
Jack J. Phillips PhD in Human Resource Management., 1996
Environmental Control in Petroleum Engineering
DR. John C. ReisPh.D., 1996
Environmental control in petroleum engineering
DR. John C. ReisPh.D., 1996
Advances in Engineering Fluid Mechanics: Multiphase Reactor and Polymerization System Hydrodynamics. Advances in Engineering Fluid Mechanics Series
Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff (Eds.), 1996
Handbook of thermal conductivity, Volume 2: Organic Compounds C5 to C7
Carl L Yaws, 1995
Valve selection handbook
RW Zappe, 1999
Natural Gas Hydrates. A Guide for Engineers
John J. Carroll (Auth.), 2003
Who Financed Hitler: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power, 1919–1933
James E. Pool, III, Suzanne Pool, 1978
Champions of Invention
John Hudson Tiner, 2016
Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook
Meherwan P Boyce FellowAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASMEUSA) and FellowThe Institute of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers(IDGTEU.K.), 2002
Gas turbine engineering handbook
Meherwan P Boyce FellowAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASMEUSA) and FellowThe Institute of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers(IDGTEU.K.), 2002
Gas turbine engineering handbook
Meherwan P Boyce FellowAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASMEUSA) and FellowThe Institute of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers(IDGTEU.K.), 2002
Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook, Second Edition
Meherwan P Boyce FellowAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASMEUSA) and FellowThe Institute of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers(IDGTEU.K.), 2002
Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook, Third Edition
Meherwan P Boyce FellowAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASMEUSA) and FellowThe Institute of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers(IDGTEU.K.), 2006
Air and gas drilling manual: applications for oil and gas recovery wells and geothermal fluids recovery wells
William C. LyonsPhDPE, 2009
Plant Design and Operations
Ian Sutton, 2014
Reservoir formation damage: fundamentals, modeling, assessment, and mitigation
Faruk CivanPhD, 2000
Reservoir formation damage: fundamentals, modeling, assessment, and mitigation
Faruk CivanPhD, 2000
Fluid Flow Measurement: A Practical Guide to Accurate Flow Measurement, 2nd Edition
E. Loy Upp, Paul J. LaNasa, 2002