انتشارات Harvest Books

All the King's Men
Robert Penn Warren, 2006
As Meat Loves Salt
Maria McCann, 2003
Charles Beaumont: Selected Stories
Charles Beaumont, 1988
Gun, with Occasional Music (Harvest Book)
Jonathan Lethem, 2003
Maigret's Revolver
Georges Simenon, 1991
Microbe Hunters
Paul de Kruif, 1995
Stanislaw Lem, 1987
The Liberal Tradition in America: The Classic on the Causes and Effects of Liberal Thought in the U.S.
Louis Hartz; Tom Wicker, 1991
The Liberal Tradition in America: The Classic on the Causes and Effects of Liberal Thought in the U.S.
Louis Hartz; Tom Wicker, 1991
Correspondence 1926-1969
Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers, 1993
Antisemitism: Part One of the Origins of Totalitarianism
Hannah Arendt, 1985
Men in Dark Times
Hannah Arendt, 1970
In Love & Trouble: Stories of Black Women
Alice Walker, 1974