انتشارات Harvester P

Margins of Philosophy
Jacques Derrida, 1982
Margins of Philosophy
Jacques Derrida, 1982
To Brecht and Beyond: Soundings in Modern Dramaturgy
Darko Suvin, 1984
Communication and understanding (Royal Institute of Philosophy lectures, volume 10, 1975-1976)
Ed. by Godfrey Vesey, 1977
Descartes: Philosophy, Mathematics and Physics
Stephen Gaukroger (ed.), 1980
How to freeze foods
Harding, 1951
Measuring Inequality
Frank Cowell, 1995
Nature of Mind
D.M. Armstrong, 1981
Philosophers of the Enlightenment (Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures. Vol. 12: 1977-78)
S. C. Brown (Editor), 1979
Philosophy and Its Past
Jonathan Ree, 1978
Philosophy and Methodology in the Social Sciences
Barry Hindess, 1977
The A-Z guide to modern social and political theorists
Noel Parker, 1997
The Division of Labour: The Labour Process and Class-Struggle in Modern Capitalism
André Gorz (ed.), 1976
The Genesis and Evolution of Time: A Critique of Interpretation in Physics
Julius Thomas Fraser, 1982
The socialist economy: theory and practice
T. B. Bottomore, 1990
Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics
Diamond C.(ed), 1976
Marxism and Materialism: A Study in Marxist Theory of Knowledge
David-Hillel Ruben, 1977
A Dictionary of Literary Devices
Dupriez, Bernard, 1991
Mapping the language of racism: Discourse and the legitimation of exploitation
Margaret Wetherell, Jonathan Potter, 1992