انتشارات Haus Pub

Miles Davis
Brian Morton, 2005
An Armchair Traveller's History of Apulia
Desmond Seward; Susan Mountgarret, 2013
David Matthews, 2013
Patrice Lumumba: Africa's Lost Leader
Leo Zeilig, 2008
Patrice Lumumba: Africa's Lost Leader
Leo Zeilig, 2008
Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm : wie unsere Familie unser Leben bestimmt
Jost Wetter-Parasie, 2002
Asan lughatulquran: Tilavat ki tartib se : Arabi, Urdu
Abdulkarim Parikh, 1993
Die protestantischen Wurzeln der sozialen Marktwirtschaft : ein Quellenband
Brakelmann, Günter, 1994
Infanteriewaffen 1918-1945: Illustrierte Enzyklopädie der Infanteriewaffen aus aller Welt. Band 1 und 2
Reiner Lidschun, Günter Wollert, 1998
A Journey of Ideas Across: In Dialog with Edward Said
Adania Shibli (ed.), 2014
From the Sultan to Atatürk: Turkey
Andrew Mango, 2010
The Night of the Physicists: Operation Epsilon: Heisenberg, Hahn, Weizsäcker and the German Bomb
Richard von Schirach; Simon Pare, 2015
The hidden perspective : the military conversations 1906-1914
Owen, David, 2015
A history of Crete
Moorey, Chris, 2019
Our Threatened Oceans
Stefan Rahmstorf, Katherine Richardson, 2009
A Short History of Tokyo
Jonathan Clements, 2020
African Exodus: Migration and the Future of Europe
Asfa-Wossen Asserate, 2018
In Search of Ancient North Africa
Barnaby Rogerson, 2017
The Peace That Never Was: A History of the League of Nations
Ruth Henig, 2019
Churchill's Britain
Peter Clark, 2020
DH Lawrence in Italy
Richard Owen, 2020
Istanbul: City of Forgetting and Remembering
Richard Tillinghast, 2017