انتشارات Hill And Wang

Unruly Americans and the origins of the Constitution
Woody Holton, 2011
The Other Eighties: A Secret History of America in the Age of Reagan
Bradford D. Martin, 2011
Roland Barthes, 1957
Maurizio Viroli, 2002
Trotsky: A Graphic Biography
Rick Geary, 2009
Barbarian Virtues: The United States Encounters Foreign Peoples at Home and Abroad, 1876-1917
Matthew Frye Jacobson, 2000
The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust
Tom Segev; Haim Watzman, 1993
American social thought
Ray Ginger (editor), 1969
Black Sea
Neal Ascherson, 1995
The Cartoon Introduction to Statistics
Grady Klein, Alan Dabney, 2013
Clarence Darrow: American Iconoclast
Andrew E. Kersten, 2011
Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences
John Allen Paulos, 1988
A higher form of killing. The secret story of chemical and biological warfare
Robert Harris, 1982
Priceless: The myth of fair value (and how to take advantage of it)
William Poundstone, 2010
Black Sea
Neal Ascherson, 1995
Black Sea
Neal Ascherson, 1995
Complete Plays and Prose (Mueller, trans.)
Georg Büchner, 1963
The Fallen Sky. Medical Consequences of Thermonuclear War
Saul Aranow, 1963
The Anti-Semitic Moment: A Tour of France in 1898
Pierre Birnbaum; Jane Marie Todd, 2003
Who Killed Kirov?: The Kremlin's Greatest Mystery
Amy Knight, 2000
A Shuttle in the Crypt
Wole Soyinka, 1987
Cracking Tutorial Compilation Vol. 1
Tikka Wang, 2004