انتشارات Hth Publishers

Biomedical Image Analysis Segmentation
Scott Acton, 2007
Activity Theory in HCI: Fundamentals and Reflections
Victor Kaptelinin, Bonnie Nardi, 2012
Casting and Moulding. Foundry Techniques for Schools
John Bolan (Auth.), 1982
Vines Intertwined: A History of Jews and Christians from the Babylonian Exile to the Advent of Islam
Leo Dupree Sandgren, 2010
Social constructionism in vocational psychology and career development
Peter McIlveen; Donna EPalladino Schultheiss, 2012
1,000 Poses in Fashion
Chidy Wayne, 2010
Decoding Advertisements
Judith Williamson, 1983
The Military Effectiveness of Post-Colonial States
Pradeep P. Barua, 2013
Supercritical fluid extraction : technology, applications and limitations
Jason Lindy (editor), 2015
Being and Time
Martin Heidegger, John Macquarrie, Edward Robinson, 1962
Being and Time
Martin Heidegger, John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson (Translators), 1962
Being and Time
Martin Heidegger, 1978
Early Greek Thinking
Martin Heidegger, 1985
A Handbook of Applied Statistics in Pharmacology
Katsumi Kobayashi, K. Sadasivan Pillai, 2012
Analysis Of Transaction Cost
Manoj Shah, 2007
The Costs of War: America's Pyrrhic Victories
John V. Denson, 1999
100 years exploring life, 1888-1988: the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole
Jane Maienschein, 1989
Instructor's manual for Principles of food sanitation, fourth edition
Norman G Marriott, 1999