انتشارات Humanities

Carl Van Vechten, 'The Blind Bow-Boy'
Kirsten MacLeod, 2018
Envisioning Women in World History: Prehistory to 1500
Catherine Clay, Christine Senecal, Chandrika Paul, 2008
Ecart & Differance: Merleau-Ponty and Derrida on Seeing and Writing
M. C. Dillon, 1997
Europe, Byzantium, and the "Intellectual Silence" of Rus' Culture
Donald Ostrowski, 2018
Medieval Bosnia and South-East European Relations: Political, Religious, and Cultural Life at the Adriatic Crossroads
Dženan Dautović, Emir O. Filipović, Neven Isailović (eds.), 2019
Heritage Discourses in Europe: Responding to Migration, Mobility, and Cultural Identities in the Twenty-First Century
Laia Colomer (editor); Anna Catalani (editor), 2020
Sartres Theory of Literature
John L. Howell, 1979
The Rise and Demise of the Myth of the Rus’ Land
Charles J. Halperin, 2022
The Human Impact of Warfare in Medieval and Early Modern Worlds
Anne M. Scott; Claire McIlroy, 2021
Elizabeth I and the Old Testament: Biblical Analogies and Providential Rule
Aidan Norrie, 2023
Ideology and Holy Landscape in the Baltic Crusades
Gregory Leighton, 2022
Crusades and Violence
Megan Cassidy-Welch, 2023
Armies and Ecosystems in Premodern Europe: The Meuse Region, 1250-1850
Sander Govaerts, 2021
The Picts Re-Imagined
Julianna Grigg, 2018
"Europe" in the Middle Ages
Klaus Oschema, 2023
Rituals in Slavic Pre-Christian Religion: Festivals, Banqueting, and Divination
Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa; Enrique Santos Marinas, 2023
Jewish Poetry and Cultural Coexistence in Late Medieval Spain
Gregory B. Kaplan, 2019
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, series 3, volume 17: Essays in Memory of Paul E. Szarmach
Joel T. Rosenthal (editor); Virginia Blanton (editor), 2023
Digital Spatial Infrastructures and Worldviews in Pre-Modern Societies
Alexandra Petrulevich (editor); Simon Skovgaard Boeck (editor), 2023
Christianity and War in Medieval East Central Europe and Scandinavia
Radosław Kotecki, Carsten Selch Jensen, Stephen Bennett (eds.), 2021