انتشارات Ibidem Verlag

"Our Glorious Past": Lukashenka's Belarus and the Great Patriotic War
David R. Marples, 2014
American Fiction: Modernism-Postmodernism, Popular Culture, and Metafiction
Jaroslav Kusnir, 2007
Beckett, Samuel, 2015
Explaining Russian Foreign Policy Behavior: Theory and Practice
Alexander Sergunin, 2015
The New Third Rome : Readings of a Russian Nationalist Myth
Jardar Østbø, 2016
The Role of the EU in Moldova's Transnistrian Coflict
Florian Küchler, 2008
Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement: Causes, Consequences, and Socio-Legal Context
Bogumil Terminski, 2015
London’s Polish Borders: Transnationalizing Class and Ethnicity Among Polish Migrants in London
Michal P. Garapich, 2016
Stepan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist
Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, 2014
Art in Battle
Frode Sandvik, Erik Tonning, 2017
Development and dystopia : studies in post-Soviet Ukraine and Eastern Europe
Ėtkind, Aleksandr; Minakov, Mikhail, 2018
Demodernization : A Future in the Past
Yakov Rabkin, Mikhail Minakov, 2018
Religion and Magic in Socialist and Post-Socialist Contexts. Vol. 1: Historic and Ethnographic Case Studies of Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy, and Alternative Spirituality
Alexandra Cotofana, James M. Nyce (eds.), 2017
The New Authoritarianism : a Risk Analysis of the Alt-Right Phenomenon.
Forchtner, Bernhard; Goodliffe, Gabriel; Jackson, Paul; Klapsis, Antonis; McCarty, Tim; Őzvatan, Őzgur; Paxton, Roger; Rheindorf, Markus; Turner-Graham, Emily; Waring, Alan, 2018
Identities and Politics During the Putin Presidency: The Foundations of Russia's Stability
Philipp Casula (editor), Jeronim Perovic (editor), 2009