انتشارات Icon Books Ltd., Totem Books

Wittgenstein and Psychoanalysis
John M. Heaton, 2000
Derrida and the End of History
Stuart Sim, 1995
Introducing Psychology: A Graphic Guide
Nigel Benson, 2003
China: Friend or Foe
Hugo De Burgh, 2003
Introducing Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP): A Practical Guide
Neil Shah, 2011
Introducing Sport Psychology: A Practical Guide
Arnold LeUnes, 2011
Introducing Plato
Dave Robinson, Judy Groves, 2005
Introducing Stephen Hawking
J. P. McEvoy, 2002
Introducing Stephen Hawking
J. P. McEvoy, 2002
Introducing Baudrillard
Chris Horrocks, 1997
Introducing Sartre
Philip Thody, 2010
Introducing Sartre
Philip Thody, 2002
Edward Said and the Writing of History (Postmodern Encounters)
Shelley Walia, 1997
Introducing Logic
Dan Cryan, 2000
The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change
Henrik Svensmark, 2003
Introducing Semiotics
Paul Cobley, 1997
Introducing Semiotics (Introducing… (Totem)
Paul Cobley, 1997
Libido (Ideas in Psychoanalysis)
Roger Kennedy, 1997
Introducing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): A Practical Guide
Elaine Iljon Foreman, 2011
Barthes and the Empire of Signs
Peter Trifonas, 1997
Castration (Ideas in Psychoanalysis)
Ivan Ward, 1999
Do Animals Have Rights?
Alison Hills, 2002
Einstein and the Birth of Big Science
Peter Coles, 2000
Einstein and the Total Eclipse
Peter Coles, 1999